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Huge Malay characters and their reality | infodesk4n

Special attention has always been paid to magic, jantar mantras, jinn, ghosts, ghosts, giants, fairies and their offspring. Perhaps that is why the story of Alif Laila or Qissa Chahar Darwish or Amir Hamza is a thousand stories. Centuries later, modern man reads all these mythical books with great interest.

In fact, the invisible world and the invisible creature is an unsolved mystery for man that he wants to solve, but despite all his efforts, the more man tries to solve this difficult problem, the more it gets stuck and so on. Old and old stories full of mysteries and mysteries become more mysterious. The following article gives you a brief overview of some of the most popular deities in different cultures and nations around the world with the ancients and their realities.

* Water fairies

Hardly anyone in the world has never heard or read a fairy tale in their youth. In fact, fairy tales can be heard in every civilization and culture on earth. Therefore, water fairs are at least not alien to anyone. Yes! It is true that some people believe that water fairies exist, although most people believe that water fairies are nothing more than a mythical figure and legend that the ancient storytellers themselves carved to bring their stories to life.

Remember that a water market is a deep water creature whose lower body is the body of a fish and whose upper body is the human body. In Arabic, Jal Pari is Bint Al-Bahr, which means the daughter of water, and in English the word for mermaids is mermaids, and in Urdu, Jal Pari refers to a beautiful female fairy who loves to live in the water.

Interestingly, not only are there millions of stories or stories about a water fair in world folk literature, but also thousands of history books, there is a lot of research material about the existence of a water fair, but for any researcher. it would be very difficult to prove from historical references where and how the idea of ​​the first water fair came into the human mind.

In many stories you see water fairies talking to people, and in many stories they can only sing. But remember that of all the historical references, Christopher Columbus cites the most authoritative and interesting reference to the water fair.

It is said that Christopher Columbus saw water fairies swimming in the sea while on a trip to an island in the Dominican Republic in 1493. The lower body of these water fairies was like a fish, as Columbus used to hear in his childhood stories, but these water fairies were not as beautiful as the woman above, as was beautifully told in the stories because of her face. I also had some masculine features.

Surprisingly enough, there is a regular group in the United States today that actually lives as water fairies. These people are obviously perfect people who live like water fairies. But the fairy tales are so influenced by these people that they regularly swim in the water, wear plastic clothes like fish on their feet and make their lower body look like fish. These water fairies are called Merfolk.

Caitlin, a 32-year-old water fair belonging to this group, often shares various photos and videos in the "water fairy" fashion on her Instagram account.

Caitlin describes her story of being a water fair as follows: “I've been very interested in being at my water fair since I was a child. discovered However, one day I discovered from the internet that there is a group, the Marfuk 's Name, that gives you the opportunity to be at a regular water fair. I also quit my full-time job at my water fair and fulfilled my dream of many years, to become a water fair fairy and start swimming with my tail, I feel like I have really magical powers. "

According to modern scientific research, some geologists have discovered that a normal creature such as a water fairy lives on many of the world's ocean islands. These are actually the largest aquatic herbs found in the ocean that look like fish to humans. Surprisingly, this alga is 6 feet long, which is the size of an adult.

They also have two hands that also have five finger-like bones, and when the wind blows these aquatic herbs spin back and forth like humans. In addition, they stand like a person in the water. Probably a factor in why they are so sick - the first time they saw these aquatic herbs swimming in the distant ocean.

* Horned horse

This unicorn magical horse is mentioned in the ancient legends of Diomalai in most of western countries. In English it is called unicorns. He is a white-horned magic horse with a horn in the center of his forehead. The main character of this magical horse has made many films and plays to date.

We also have an idea of ​​this magical horse after seeing English literature and films from western countries. This magical horse is not supposed to belong to the earth, but to the land of the gods, but if a group or person on earth goes home badly, this magical horse comes to earth to help them. This horse takes its rider on a journey through the vastness of the horizon and, thanks to its invisible power, can do tasks that are impossible even for its darling.

The question is, did this unicorn magical horse really happen on our planet? Scientific research shows that this horned horse was found in cold countries thousands of years ago, but it wasn't as shown in the magic stories or films imported from the west.

In fact, according to the fossils found, a powerful temple animal such as a rhinoceros was found in the Siberian region of Eurasia, which resembles a horse in shape and form. Because people back then did not see a horse with a horn in the middle of its forehead. Perhaps that is why they ascribed mysterious things to this Siberian horse and made the main character of their stories wonderful.

According to the fossils of the unicorn magic horse found so far, it was a very large and strong animal weighing at least 4 tons and has been extinct on our world for 39,000 years.

According to archaeologists, the rhinoceros found in different forests around the world is an evolutionary form of the same unicorn magic horse. There are scientific discoveries, however, but in many western countries this magical horse unicorn has regular religious sanctity and the people of these countries still believe in the existence of a horned magical horse.

* Bear like a human

There are many known secrets about the discovery of human-like bears in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal and China. The Nepalese and Chinese people, especially those who live in the Himalayan Mountains, firmly believe in the essence of this humane bear, known in the local language as the Yeti. Locals believe that the ET is a monster that protects the mountains and that this human bear confronts those who climb the peaks of the mountains and violate the universal laws of the mountains. Climbers in particular, who in their nature have a special affinity for the mountains, have helped with climbing.

According to local folklore, in addition to being a tall-looking person, a giant bear can understand and speak human words. It should be noted that the legendary character of the ET bear like a human became the center of worldwide attention when a team of British mountaineers who climbed Mount Everest in 1921 claimed to have seen ET and found traces of it.

Henry Newman, a journalist interviewing the UK team of climbers, wrote in his report: “According to the climbers, this was a very powerful and frighteningly human looking bear and suddenly they were face to face and as soon as they saw it they hid it. they hid in a cave because they were safe from the evil of this strong bear that looks like a temple. “According to experts, it is a black bear. These are the two special bear breeds that only occur in the Himalayas. Like ET, both bears are tall, hairy, and tan (or black in the case of black bears), and DNA testing of these bears has shown that most of the hair, skin, teeth, fur, etc. are affected. It's actually a breed of bears.


In Diomalai's tales, dragons are found flying in the air and trampling fire. Dragons can also be seen in adventure films today. The general idea is that the dragons that are sending out flames flying into the air are nowhere to be found. Most of us believe this because we have never seen a dragon or lizard-like creature in our world fly in the air and puff fire out of its mouth. It is interesting to note that in the light of modern scientific research, the presence of airborne dragons and escaping fire cannot be ruled out, as geologists have also regularly found evidence of living things with unique characteristics such as dragons.

We look at how they exist scientifically. There is general consensus among scientists that all birds in our world are a continuation of the dragons or dinosaurs that flew over the earth in the past. It must therefore be admitted that people living with large bodies can also fly. But can a flying creature be big enough to prey on humans and animals? The answer to this question, according to science, is that geologists have found irrefutable evidence in the form of fossils of one of the largest flying animals, the Catsilquatles Northerapy.

It should be noted that the distribution of this kite-like bird with its wingspan was about 36 feet and weighed between two hundred and two hundred and fifty kilograms. Simply put, this kite weighed more or less the weight of a contemporary leopard that could easily prey on anyone, or a goat flying in the air. Science believes that while we don't see fire-breathing animals in the world today, it doesn't mean that it is impossible for a bird to start a fire.

Remember that a bird called a Bombardier Beetle has hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide in its stomach and expels them every time it feels threatened. These chemical compounds come from the bird's mouth and react in a special way with the air, creating very hot flames that cause great pain to its enemy. Based on this principle, experts believe that even dragons can store flammable chemicals in their bodies. Hence, vomiting fire from the mouth is scientifically feasible.

However, as the kite movies show, the real kites can be a little different. In general, the stories of all civilizations and nations have different sizes and physical shapes of dragons. Some were very large and some were pistachios. Some had very sharp and pointed claws, others had wings the size of bats. What all kites have in common is their unique ability to start a fire while flying in the air.


Guerrillas are the first to be mentioned in the manuscripts of Hanno, a tourist who lived between the 5th and 6th centuries. According to Hano, during his trip to West Africa, he saw a tribe in the coastal forests with more men than women, but strangely, their bodies were completely covered with hair, which the locals called "guerrillas". You always called him. Namely, "I formed a group with the help of the locals and transformed the tribe, but everyone fled," wrote Hanu. Despite their strength, the guerrillas were very quick and as soon as they saw us, they quickly climbed the mountains, from where they threw large stones at us and we looked for them to escape the rain on the rocks. ''

It should be noted that guerrillas have been the most important part of human folklore for many years, and strange stories are popular in every civilization in the world. Especially in areas with large and deep forests, the people living there were not only convinced of the guerrillas, but also frightened. In 1847 a team of American experts again claimed to have found the guerrillas in African territories and taken many of them to zoos.

However, according to modern research, guerrillas are not humans, but monkeys and most guerrillas are completely harmless to humans. Interestingly, there is now friendship between guerrillas and humans. According to a report by a foreign news agency, there is a person in the African Congo who not only sees the guerrillas as their child, but also takes selfies with them. A citizen named "Patrick Sadiki" works in a guerrilla care center where he has made all the guerrillas his friends. Patrick not only plays with the guerrillas all day, he also takes photos every day.

You will be surprised to learn that the Guerril Foundation had a female guerrilla

According to veterinarian Frances Petersen, who has long been training the guerrilla "Coco", she didn't teach the female guerrillas the word and it was her own ability to see things in unique ways. Coco's work has earned him worldwide fame. After 46 years of learning English and making friends with countless people, Coco Gorilla passed away on June 21, 2018 in her man-made home at the Gorilla Foundation in Woodside, California.

٭ Kriken

If you don't know, we are telling you that Kraken is considered to be the most feared sea monster in the world. Kraken can be called "sea dragon" or "sea monster" in Urdu. Occasionally, seafarers say that a crane is a giant sea-like marine animal that has the power to submerge large ships. He also endeavors to feed the crew. Some Hollywood blockbusters are based on the story.

Does the octopus really exist in the ocean? Yes, according to modern scientific research, it really does exist. But the so-called Kraken is actually a giant squid that is very large, but in stark contrast to the claims of the narrators, it is quite small and harmless. Interestingly, she never went under a ship. Apparently it can go under, but it is so harmless that it will turn on its own side at the sight of a ship, even though it is no food for humans at all. Kraken first switched from folklore to reality when the remains of an "octopus" were found on a beach in Denmark in 1853. Surprisingly, the giant temple squid was as funny and scary as it is mentioned in folklore.

According to limited information from experts, it lives in the deepest depths of the sea and its range is up to 18 meters even in the deep sea. He likes to hunt light little whales to satisfy his appetite and run away instead of competing every time a giant whale shows up.

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